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Why Isn’t Artificial Grass Considered Maintenance Free?

Why Isn’t Artificial Grass Considered Maintenance Free?

Posted by The Synthetic Turf Co. on 2021 Aug 31st

Artificial grass is a fantastic low-maintenance addition to your residential or commercial property. Some people mistakenly believe that synthetic turf is completely maintenance-free, as it is not alive like traditional grass. While it is true that you won't need to mow, fertilize, and water an artificial lawn like you would live grass, there are still some things you'll need to do to keep your artificial grass looking and feeling its best for as long as possible. Here's how to care for your synthetic lawn to keep it in great condition with minimal effort. Call us to learn about our maintenance plan options.

Clear Away Debris

When it comes to artificial grass maintenance, keeping your lawn free of debris will be your primary task. The amount of time you'll need to spend on this task will depend on how cluttered your lawn gets. If you have trees that shed their leaves, for example, you'll have to clean more frequently than someone without them would.

For larger items, like leaves and sticks, you can simply pick them up with your hands. You can also use a simple household broom to sweep any messes away. However, it is important to choose a broom with natural fiber or synthetic bristles, as metal or wire can damage the turf and its underlay.

Leaf blowers can also be effective but take care to use a low power setting to avoid blowing away the infill under the turf. Keep the nozzle at least a foot above the surface of your artificial grass as well to prevent the blast from being too strong.

Rinse or Scrub Other Contaminants

Dust and pollen can accumulate on the blades of your artificial grass, which can be problematic for allergy sufferers. Over time, it can also leave your turf looking stained and lackluster. The best way to remove dust and pollen is to allow nature to do it for you on rainy days. If you live in an area that doesn't receive much rain, though, you'll need to do this yourself.

The simplest approach is to spray your artificial grass lightly with your hose. As the water drains away, it will take the dust and pollen along with it, leaving your lawn looking clean and fresh. If you notice any stains after rinsing, you can typically remove them with a mild household soap, like dishwashing or laundry detergent. For tougher stains, check your turf manufacturer's guidelines to minimize the risk of damaging your turf with harsher chemicals.

Brush the Blades

You'll likely notice that high-traffic areas of your artificial grass can become matted down. To perk the blades back up, simply brush them with your synthetic or natural fiber broom. Always brush against the grain of the turf blades to avoid flattening them further. Going over the blades in multiple directions will help your turf look more realistic as opposed to overly manicured.

Break Free from Mowing with Synthetic Grass

Although there is a small amount of maintenance required for artificial turf, you can see that it is far less work than the frequent mowing and watering real grass necessitates. Reach out to our team to learn more when you are ready to make the switch to an artificial lawn. You (and your back) will be glad you did!