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Why Pet Owners Love Artificial Grass

Why Pet Owners Love Artificial Grass

Posted by The Synthetic Turf Co on 2021 Jun 30th

Why Pet Owners Love Artificial Grass

Our four-legged friends love to run around and play in grass, but all that digging and playing can leave your lawn ripped up and damaged. Not only that, but pet urine is toxic to most common grass species, resulting in yellowed, dry, or bare patches. To keep your lawn looking lush and full, you'll have to wage a constant battle against your pet's destruction, intentional or natural, as well as damage from lawn pests and diseases.

Artificial grass is a great alternative for pet owners, giving the lush look of natural grass, without many of the drawbacks. Here's why synthetic lawns are so great for pets. Call us for a consultation!

Prevent Damage

Security systems within your synthetic lawn can guard against digging and other damage from overzealous paws. With artificial grass specifically designed for use with pets, there will be minimal risk or tearing or fraying, as the turf is designed to prevent pet damage.

You won't have to worry about urine stains in your artificial grass either, as liquid waste can easily be rinsed away with a hose. Some infill options help to eliminate odor as well, keeping your pet's area smelling clean and fresh.

Say Goodbye to Mud

Another common complaint homeowners have about their beloved pets is that they often track in mud and other debris during rainy or snowy weather. With artificial grass, you won't have to worry about this anymore, as there won't be any soil underneath the turf to create mud. This will make it much easier to keep your pet and the interior of your home clean during times of inclement weather.

Keep Underground Animals at Bay

Ground squirrels, pocket gophers, mice and other critters often like to burrow under lawns to create their homes. In addition to damaging your lawn, this can also bring potential diseases that can harm your furry friend. A rodent control package, along with artificial grass, can help prevent these animals from taking up residence in your yard, keeping you and your loved ones, including your pets, as safe as possible when spending time outside.

Prevent Fleas, Ticks and Other Insects

It is not just rodents that can live in or under natural lawns, but insects and other pests as well. If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, fleas and ticks can be major concerns in terms of their health and well-being. Artificial grass doesn't attract these types of pests and doesn't provide a suitable environment for them to live in, so your pet will be safe from them in your yard as well.

Create a Custom Pet Area with Artificial Grass

We've got a wide range of artificial grass options for pet runs and can help you choose just the right variety to meet your needs. Whether you've got a small dog who likes to mark every inch of your yard or a large one who loves to dig, we've got the pet-friendly artificial grass solution for you. A selection of upgrades and accessories can help to prevent damage from both your pet and outside invaders. Reach out to us today to learn more.